In 2013, as part of the release of their new strategic plan, CMY articulated their new vision, which remains today: Young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds are connected, empowered and influential Australians.

Through the new strategic planning process, CMY came to articulate four strategic priorities, which have continued to provide the strategic framework for CMY’s work to 2023, with a new strategic planning process underway at the time of writing this history.

These priorities give voice to what the work of CMY is seeking to achieve:

MY Community: Young people are connected, belong and contribute to their families and communities.

MY Journey: Young people are empowered to access opportunities and actively shape their own futures.

MY Voice: Young people are understood, accurately represented and influential in Australian society.

MY CMY: CMY is a strong partner and recognised leader in working with diverse young people.

The use of the word ‘My’ beginning each of the statements, is a way of making clear the central position of young people as driving the work of the organisation, while also reflecting the ‘Multicultural Youth’ component of CMY.